
Monday May 20, 2024
#135 - On "Genocide", Our Political Show Trial, Toxic Activism
Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
This episode touches on the Stormy Daniels show trial, the Democrat's cowardly online convention strategy, falling for the barbaric propaganda-driven strategy of using of human shields in Gaza, and maliciously labeling Israel's retaliation as genocide. Has Dementia Joe's forgotten who he is? Does he know whose side he's on? At what point does endless activism trigger apathy and begin having a retrograde effect on public sympathy? Want to escape an abstract utopian worldview? Live in Chicago for a few years! Finally, where is the agitprop coming from? What's the goal?
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More: https://toddzillax.substack.com/

Monday May 06, 2024
#134 - The Men Who Go
Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
It took 65-years to get from Kittyhawk to the moon. 55-years later, we still have gone no further. That's ridiculous! Exploration is, and always has been, humanity at its authentic best. The bleeding hearts and homebody naysayers don't matter. Mars is this millennium's New World and we'll go because we always go, eventually. It's engrained into the DNA and it's our duty, especially if you believe there's a climate crisis.
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More: https://toddzillax.substack.com/

Friday May 03, 2024
#133 - Proselytes & Militants Revisited: Indoctrination's Long March
Friday May 03, 2024
Friday May 03, 2024
A followup to the last episode. After watching our indoctrinated sleeper cells come to life, it's a good time to revisit Ellul's book, Propaganda, and put it thru the filter of the last few weeks.
Notes from 2019: Ellul's ideas on pre-propaganda, propaganda's conditioned reflexes, myths, and "orthopraxy". Including the triggering of active and passive action (activists, influencers, collaborators), widespread participation by "committed" zealots, the separation between thought and action, exploiting the abyss between what we say and what we do, mobilizing men for action counter to their own values, and being unable to reverse ourselves once "action" has begun.
Jacques Ellul's "Propaganda": https://www.amazon.com/Propaganda-Formation-Attitudes-Jacques-Ellul/dp/0394718747
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More: https://toddzillax.substack.com/

Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
#132 -Joe da Wabbit Hunter, Wokentology's Westboro Kids, Beware the Messiah
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Tuesday Apr 30, 2024
Biden's dismal poll numbers confirm it: a pwesident hunting two wabbits catches neither. Plus, Dementia Joe gets conquered by his own teleprompter begging the question: who's in charge over there?
- When defective self-esteem pseudoscience collides with social eugenics
- The Indoctrinated come of age
- When a President kneels before the Dearborn Caliphate.
- Look for a follow up episode soon.
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More: https://toddzillax.substack.com/

Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
#131 - Mao's Grandkids vs. The Sun Tzu of Propaganda
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Strange times indeed. This week, Todd delves back into the fundamental conflict between fighting propaganda and our basic human nature ; when it comes to informational warfare, reason is NOT a factor, and the man who believes it is goes to battle unarmed. There may be three realistic options. He also explores Chris Rufo's theory about how Mao's Long March influenced Marxist strategy, led to systematic social eugenics, and eventually the institutional takeover now represented by this new artificial breed: Mao's Surrogate Grandchildren.
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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
#130 - Hamasholes, Jefferson's Coat, Democracy vs. The Invasive Species
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
Tuesday Apr 16, 2024
In another uplifting and cheerfully optimistic episode, Todd cracks the seal on October 7th. Specifically, our domestic "death to America" Hamas supporters - roadway terrorists - useful idiots, and why Israel is not only justified, but obligated, to eliminate Hamas at any cost, including to Joe Biden's bunny-chasing campaign. Using borrowed audio from Joe Rogan's viral April 3 episode, Coleman Hughes perfectly articulates why that's so and also why Hamas is willing to use its own people as human shields, even while being annihilated in the process. (Hint: it's the useful idiots, dummy.)
Segment 2 ( 1:02:30 ) features a discussion about the conflict between "Jefferson's Coat"; the right every generation has to live free from the tyranny of their ancestors, and democracy's inability to defend itself against ideological insurgents who use a country's liberal freedoms to destroy it from within. Was McCarthy completely out of bounds?
Rogan's episode, #2130: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3o7YcgzyHdfdl2gEy7MTCy
Coleman Hughes: https://www.amazon.com/End-Race-Politics-Arguments-Colorblind/dp/0593332458/
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Monday Apr 08, 2024
#129 - The Bastard A's, AJ's Ruminations, Death's Perspective
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Unfortunately, last week's obnoxious AI generated show notes didn't make the cut, but AJ Soprano did! After a seemingly random tangent about the pathetic state of the Oakland A's, Todd dives into how The Sopranos, specifically AJ, was ahead of its time regarding the connection between obsessive media rumination, a naive messiah complex, and depression. Ask your shrink if a regular dose of gratitude is right for you. It often works for the terminally ill.
Also, a change is coming to the podcast! Believe it or not, all this is related.
Finally, his name was Rube Vickers (not Robert Paulson): https://www.baseball-reference.com/players/v/vickeru01.shtml
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Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
#128 - Data Overload, Our Storytelling Paradox, The Everyman Tyrant
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
Tuesday Apr 02, 2024
I'm back after a 7-month tour of Africa, Gaza, and the Orient. That might be a lie. Click to find out for sure! NOTE: The show notes were AI generated by my podcast host. I left them intact for the chuckles! The "chapters" are also courtesy of AI. Rely on them at your own risk! Enjoy and thanks for listening!
"In this exhilarating episode of "Escaping the Cave," host Todd navigates through the world of social media anarchy and its repercussions on society. Explore the delicate balance between the government and tech behemoths, focusing on the spread of disinformation and propaganda and pondering the skewed attention on right-wing content. This episode is a deep dive into our evolving digital landscape and its profound effects on individual and communal psyche.
Amid discussions about World War I, Tristan Harris, Jonathan Haidt, and their work, Todd embarks on an examination of information manipulation. He questions the viability of shaping enlightened communities where leadership decisions are anchored on rationality. This engaging episode offers piercing revelations about our collective self-perception as rational beings, presenting the unsettling reality of humans as storytellers instead.
Todd invites you to dive into the "informational sewage" and stimulate your curiosity with riveting discourses on human tendency towards manipulation, propaganda in our everyday interactions, and their roles in shaping world perception. The exploration doesn’t end here. It probes further into the polarity of skepticism and gullibility embedded in our biases, shaping our receptivity to information.
This episode challenges us to confront our personal misconceptions, triggering introspections on personal identity and ideology. It sheds light on consequential socio-political topics like extremism and social religions, revealing how our ideologies shape the world around us. The host emphasizes our primordial nature as storytellers and discusses the narratives that influence our perceptions and social dynamics.
Unmask the human condition at its core and delve into an enlightening journey exploring our collective subconscious. This honest and straightforward episode introduces listeners to propaganda's intricate workings, intricate human perception, and self-deception. A riveting discussion awaits listeners who are eager to challenge their biases and confront the narratives they absorb.
Prepare for a soul-stirring narrative wrapped in discussions around self-conscious fears and societal norms. The episode probes into topics like evolutionary biology, psychology, propaganda, tribalism, and the pursuit of truth. It brings to light struggles with self-awareness, our inherent tribal instincts, and our collective movement towards a more scientific mindset. Tune in for an in-depth exploration of our reality, the compelling narratives we weave, and the need to understand our existence. Stay curious and explore the unknown with Todd!"
This...is the brave new AI world. Ha!

Monday Aug 28, 2023
#127 - The Power of Patriotism, Cannibal Leftists, Our Badass Ancestors
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Orwell wrote that international socialism is powerless against the power of simple patriotism. It's a simple concept that radicalized leftists are helpless to understand. Before the secular Cult of Wokentology can erect American temples, patriotism must be crippled. This is why basic American pride has been under systematic agitprop attack for decades. Traveling the third world: Todd articulates how, rather than creating another liberal "global citizen", it instead ignited his steadily building, and unexpected, patriotism.
- How conservatives could easily win over Latinos
- Tribal politics and collectivist globalism are mutually exclusive
- Identity politics and the American Indians' demise
- How failing to unite against the clear and present threat both doomed Native Americans and led to Hitler
- Wokentology's narcissistic time bomb: a rare message genuine of anti-woke hope!
- Communing with the ghosts of my colonizing ancestors at Ft. Michilimackinac
- Fragile souls sent spiraling into a mental health crisis by "misgendering" pronouns and uncomfortable ideas demand that we be ashamed of, and apologize for, our very badass ancestors? Ha! No.
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Subscribe on YouTube for video highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjdLR140l--HufeRSAnj91A

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
#126 - On Tribalism: Unity Via Division, Vichy Whites, Being the Lone Chimp
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
As with propaganda, Todd's thoughts on tribalism have evolved in the last 9-years. It's a trait, not a defect. Evolution burrowed tribalism deep into the human psyche for a reason and it's going nowhere. That makes it a potent force that needs to be more clearly understood.
Segment 1:
- Sebastian Junger and his book Tribe
- Tribalism and social evolution
- The doe eyed folly of "anti-tribalism" splinter factions
- Unity Via Division, huh? Go home, you're drunk
- The Fantastical Cult of Utopian Diversity: do diverse super societies have a shelf life?
- Vichy Whites: Wokentology's moneyed bourgeois assuming they'll be judged as "one of the good ones"
- Careful of those reprisals
Segment 2 (30:00)
- Tribalism offers the protection of the herd: physical, ideological, even rhetorical
- The accidental consequences of actually being a lone independent thinking chimp
- Tribal politics, agitation and integration propaganda, and "revolution"
- Collectivism vs Individualism: The invasive species attacking the foundational and cohesive myth
- Revolutionary destabilization is the goal
- Extremist Roulette: the scapegoated majority choosing their own tribe's self-interest
Mention this episode and receive half off any anti-depressant! Thanks, Dementia Joe!
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Subscribe on YouTube for video highlights: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjdLR140l--HufeRSAnj91A

Monday Aug 21, 2023
#125 - Institutional Hospice & The Death of 9/12
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
In this short episode, Todd discusses the near complete loss of trust in American institutions, particularly the media, and the result: informational anarchy. What filth is left free to slither into the trust vacuum?
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Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
#124 - Where’s Rock Bottom? Killing The Come Together Fairytale
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Starting with a discussion about painfully reaching rock bottom and its role in addiction and recovery, Todd applies it to the dopamine drip of technology-driven tribal politics and how he and others wrongly assumed Donald was the tribal floor. (13:52) The Left's application of Newton's Third Law of Extremism: the Green Tea Party and how, with the media's deification of The Holy Counterfeiter, it mutated into an invasive Ideological Insurgency using scapegoats to aggressively attack American history, institutions, and core values. To colonize anywhere, you must first exterminate foundational myths and cohesive narratives, the established religion, in order to replace it with your own. There’s a reason Latin America is Catholic, after all.
- The Sopranos as social anthropology
- What if there is no floor and rock bottom instead hits like Chicxulub?
- In the failing era of Unity Via Division, selling unity knockoffs is a good dollar
- Can we just dispense with the infanitile "Let's Come Together" stuff?
- No? Show your work!
- The "need to believe" is the death of reason
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Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
#123 - Inappropriate Honesty, Truth Riders, That Which Must Remain Unsaid
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
In the continuation of the last episode, Todd re-explores his oft-ignored Path to Empathy, the DIKW pyramid, and data Overload before exploring religion's real purpose and offering our pompous atheist friends the back of his rhetorical hand. From that joyful and uplifting summit, he moves on to question how woke parents can sacrifice their own children to a foreign ideological god.
Introducing The Desert of the Why!
We know what legislative riders are. What about "truth" riders?
The one thing in news, information, and tech that must remain unspoken.
Why climate change hysterics are misguided and a waste of time.
How the stupid cliques we form as kids flare up like herpes for the rest of our lives.
Todd's new Gatekeeper disconnect.
Chasing Che.
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Monday Aug 07, 2023
#122 - Intellectual Tribalism & Gladiators in the Virtual Coliseum
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
After a brief introduction to metacognition, Todd delves back into how people are born as storytellers, not rational truth seekers, and how the storytelling ape probably evolved out of a need for simple explanation and meaning. Also, why are experts in detecting the "enemy's" bullish*t but so bad at sniffing out our own team's? After reflecting on the Facebook Wars, have we become organic pieces of agitation propaganda ourselves? Worse, can innate tribalism be exploited by agitprop-fueled hatred? Last question: gee, ya think?
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Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
#121 - The Authoritarian Mind #2: Puritanism vs The Right Not to Believe
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Wednesday Aug 02, 2023
Mr. Sunshine delivers another cheerful monologue on our deep and persistent strain of authoritarian thought! Book those children's parties now!
America's puritanical tradition began on the Mayflower. Why totalitarian cultural eugenics might do more harm than "good." Agitprop and authoritarianism are conjoined twins. Can a true Democracy even defend itself? The generational tyranny of tradition; each new generation has the right to rule itself free from the yoke of their dead ancestors. Is authoritarianism, like deceit and self-deception, an inherent trait rather than a character flaw? Is it democracy's self-destruct button? A brief introduction to Harold Lasswell. And finally, if you suddenly find you lack the freedom to NOT believe, you're living in a theocracy. Stand up. Push back.
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Now on Discord.

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Your feral host is suddenly prolific? In the first of at least two episodes, Todd talks about how the Facebook document dump confirmed what most people already knew yet will only play to the messenger's choir. Trust: it matters. Also, what will happen when AI begins churning out endless supplies of effective algorithm-targeted agitprop? (hint: nothing good) Then comes a surprising, albeit half-hearted, defense of The Gatekeepers seasoned with a not as surprising dash of I-told-you-so.
Part two drops in a day or two.
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Now on Discord.

Sunday Jul 30, 2023
#119 - Inherent Deceit & Self-Deception: Our Wonderful World of Make Believe
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
After another extended hiatus, Todd's back with another sparkling hour of uplifting inspiration!
(8:40) How does a person enthusiastically produce a podcast when the subject matter and outcome is completely devoid of basic hope?
(9:41) "Fix" the for-profit media complex? Good luck. "It's the people." Tiptoeing into how pre-programmed deceit and self-deception are major parts of the how and why.
(30:45) Deceit and Self-Deception. The opening salvo.
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Now on Discord.

Friday Mar 17, 2023
#118 - Propaganda: Inseminating Zealots & The Religious Mind
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Taken from two episodes released in 2019, I begin laying the 2023 foundation for a return to my unfinished series focussing on Jacques Ellul's book, Propaganda. This episode focused on how propaganda severs the individual from themselves, robs them of their intellectual autonomy, and "crystallizes" inseminated thoughts, opinions, and agendas, inside the propagandee host. It then uses slogans, symbols, stereotypes, agitprop, and the warm glow of tribal fellowship, to turn them into malleable proselytes and militants always awaiting their righteous marching orders. More of what’s covered: a preview of what’s to come and having the real Courage to be Disliked as opposed to surrendering to fear and social momentum to avoid the pain, and punishment, of leaving a group.
"ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!
Jacques Ellul's "Propaganda": https://www.amazon.com/Propaganda-Formation-Attitudes-Jacques-Ellul/dp/0394718747

Sunday Mar 12, 2023
#117 - Propaganda, Trust, Coronavirus, and You: 3-Years Later
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
Sunday Mar 12, 2023
After revisiting the March 2, 2020 episode recorded at the dawn of the pandemic, Todd uses 3-years of hindsight to explore ( 60:00 ) how much further trust in government and media institutions has eroded and the effects. Data overload, trust apathy, and monetized tribal agitprop leads nowhere good. Also, is a liberal democracy capable of defending itself against an illiberal insurgency without destroying itself in the process?
Rachel Botsman's Book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1541762703/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Your Undivided Attention: https://www.humanetech.com/podcast
"ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!

Thursday Feb 16, 2023
#116 - Guns, Balloons, Trains, Unworthy Victims
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
Thursday Feb 16, 2023
After spontaneously eulogizing his friend, Todd tries euthanizing our cliche-and disingenuous-gun "debate" addiction. Again (10:00)
(18:00) Isn't it funny how the balloon and the ensuing UFO "mystery" distracted everyone from Biden's classified documents scandal? How about some MORE healthy rabid skepticism?
(30:00) Your host got the inside poop on Ohio's train derailment. While the cause seems obvious, who's to blame? Is it corporate greed, the ongoing labor shortage, or worse, DOT incompetence?
(45:00) East Palestine, Ohio: in the culture wars, poor whites have become what Chomsky called unworthy victims. How would the response have been different in Ann Arbor, Portland, or Gary?
"ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!

Friday Jan 27, 2023
#115 - It’s Still The People
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
As the podcast approaches the 5-years mark since its return, Todd revisits his Media 101 episode and further explores why the for-profit media sucks. (Hint: see the title!) Also, how personal attachments corrupt an already frail sense of basic reason, why emotionally compromised victims (and others) should never be consulted, and how a supposedly idealistic cultist "morality" eventually seeks out and crucifies its traitorous blasphemers & heretics, like Elon Musk and Joe Rogan.
Segment 2 starts (27:30) with an overdue return to Joan Didion's essay (and handy extremist test!) On Morality, transitions toward the Woke Book of Shouldism, Haidt's elephant, and steers into Toddzilla's plea for Sausage Party Hope in segment 3 (1:02:40).
"ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!
Music by Yellow Pills! https://open.spotify.com/artist/7rDvBzvGcNPV3BYZ1n5VdZ

Sunday Jan 22, 2023
#114 - B for Boomerang
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Sunday Jan 22, 2023
Studio 4 opens with a new episode and a new live stream on Twitch! This week at Davos, an official of the EU Taliban's Morality Police wants everyone to know that European hate speech laws "are coming to the United States." Do liberals realize that they've become exactly what they used to hate? Grab Chief Wahoo gear while you can! Also, Biden destroys whatever credible self-righteousness Democrats had left, and thanks to BLM, performative reparations legislation, and far left bigoted preaching about the inherent evils of "whiteness," the cultural boomerang has begun its return journey. Finally, where tech and agitprop converge, the Great War of the 21st Century will be fought during Propaganda's Golden Age. An oblivious species with no self-awareness has no chance of surviving that as free men. Everyone supposedly demands "accountability" these days, so whose fault will it really be?
"ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!
Music by Yellow Pills! https://open.spotify.com/artist/7rDvBzvGcNPV3BYZ1n5VdZ
![[Micropod] Our Great War](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2484714/Micropod_SMALL_uuxfj2_300x300.png)
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
![[Micropod] Social Media’s Ministry of Truth](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2484714/Micropod_SMALL_uuxfj2_300x300.png)
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
[Micropod] Social Media’s Ministry of Truth
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
In an exploding state of informational anarchy, who gets to decide what's "true?" Who can you believe?
From #112 - Storytellers, Truth, and The Great War of the 21st Century (11/8/22)

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
#113 - Our November Surprise, TikTok, and Rocks From Uranus
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Reflecting on the rather shocking midterms and Trump's uninspired announcement. Was he pouting after being robbed of his triumphant return? Or worried about investigations?
Segment 2 (16:02): The changing social media landscape and TikTok posing an obvious data-driven election threat from China.
Segment 3 (22:12): Mankind at its best: Artemis finally lifted off sending Orion to the moon!
"ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!
Music by Yellow Pills! https://open.spotify.com/artist/7rDvBzvGcNPV3BYZ1n5VdZ

Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
#112 - Storytellers, Truth, and The Great War of the 21st Century
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Todd's back for the midterms and starts off by blasting the populist Poor Media Victim attitude, exploring whether propaganda and media literacy even matter, discussing informational warfare, and the finer points of navigating ideological drift and its extremists.
Segment 2 (23:00): the Democrats' abortion debacle, The Sham-Wow Guy vs. Fettergump, and how the '22 midterms are a sure sign Idiocracy is here.
Segment 3 (39:00): There were no blacks on the World Series rosters. So?
Segment 4 (58:20): Elon's Twitter drama, his inevitable choice between free speech absolutism and truth ministers, euphemism warnings, then returns to The 21st Century Informational War and how human self-deception is converging with technology to trigger a battle over reality itself.
"ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!
Music by Yellow Pills! https://open.spotify.com/artist/7rDvBzvGcNPV3BYZ1n5VdZ
![[Reload] Iceberg Ahoy! Validation Junkies & The Chosen Ones (9/10/19)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2484714/My_project-1_6__8gtgsr_300x300.png)
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
[Reload] Iceberg Ahoy! Validation Junkies & The Chosen Ones (9/10/19)
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
From 2019:
Social validation, dopamine, and social media's Walter White; more on how people are more willing and eager than deceived when it comes to swallowing fiction and disinformation; choking on data leading to confused gullibility; honestly in a crisis; Sausage Party Hope: children demanding their happy ending. Where's the spring of genuine hope?
- The Battle of the 21st Century
- The iceberg bobbing off our bow
- Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube: Walter White cutting his meth supply?
- Pinker's Utopian vs. Tragic Vision
- Evolution and self-awareness
- The bi-weekly apocalypse and their "chosen ones"
- Progress's Myth and becoming organic
![[Reload] Story: The Propaganda Paradox (5-9-20)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2484714/My_project-1_6__8gtgsr_300x300.png)
Friday Aug 19, 2022
[Reload] Story: The Propaganda Paradox (5-9-20)
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
From #79, this episode dove in to storytelling, a central theme in the quest to not only understand but hopefully fight propaganda's mind hack. Also, the relationship between stories, hope, and both kinds of religion: theological & ideological. What's the major distinction and why I believe traditional religion deserves its pass...on ONE ironclad condition.
Watch YouTube for new video from July's scrapped episode! A flood of fresh audio is coming!
Music by Yellow Pills! https://open.spotify.com/artist/7rDvBzvGcNPV3BYZ1n5VdZ
![[Reload] All You Need Is Doubt (1/4/21)](https://pbcdn1.podbean.com/imglogo/ep-logo/pbblog2484714/ETC_Combo_Square_Thick_Mix_34hw4z_300x300.jpg)
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
[Reload] All You Need Is Doubt (1/4/21)
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
- This is the first of what will be weekly reloads highlighting ETC segments from the first 111-shows.
From #97, this episode featured uplifting topics such as: why it's not necessary to conquer a democracy when a just little doubt'll do ya. Also, how can a nation avoid inevitable conflict when each half of the country functions according to different rules of factual physics? Is there a relationship between likability, deplorability, & disinformation?
Music by Yellow Pills!
SocMed: ToddzillaX

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
#111 - Tribal By Nature & The Invasive Species
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
The one where Todd finally plants his flag! We're tribal critters who are bound by self-serving fictions; these stories are called cohesive narratives; national myths. And, in this country at least, the collectivist fairy tale of socialism is the antithesis of individualism; the "prepare the road for the child" mentality is mutually exclusive with our established American principle: meritocracy. Collectivist socialism and its "equity" cult is, therefore, an invasive species. Wokeism is an ideological insurgency. But from where?
#111 also features the details of a lengthy and dramatic tribalism re-think, how data overload & its existential chaos push people toward idiocratic political cults, and foreshadowing hints about finding propaganda's Rosetta Stone! Answers are finally coming! But are they the ones you think you want?
"ToddzillaX" on most social media. LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!
Music by Yellow Pills! https://open.spotify.com/artist/7rDvBzvGcNPV3BYZ1n5VdZ